Friday, September 7, 2007

Fest Wrap-up & Call for On-Going Participants

Dear Poet,

Thank you for your participation in this August Postcard Poetry Fest. Your inspired participation made this event the amazing success it was.

Share Your Experience

Now that the last cards have come and gone, (we hope), we'd like to invite you to share your thoughts about this process. If you'd like to write a paragraph or two about the experience, on writing or receiving the cards, talk about your favorite cards, what you noticed about the flow form poem to poem, whatever moved you, that'd be quite welcome as we seek to expand. Please send your piece to Paul at splabman at or post it on here or on facebook (Facebook requires registration and can be quite a habit). If you post your thoughts about the August Postcard Poetry Fest to your own blog or website, please send Paul the links and let us know if we can re-post your thoughts elsewhere.

Celebrate the Experience

For those who are able to come to Seattle on September 22nd, we will have a celebration event at Café Vega, 7pm at 1918 E. Yesler Way . This event will be documented by Andre, the proprietor. If you aren't in the area, gather some friends and have a celebration of your own.

Continue the Experience

So many of us were so taken with the process of writing the cards daily, that we want to continue this organic connection of words on a regular basis, but at a more casual and meditative pace until next August. So we are now putting together a Perennial Poetry Postcard List. The idea here is simple, try to write a postcard poem at least once a week, and send it to the next person on your list. Try to write a postcard poem at least once a week regardless of whether you receive one or not in order to keep the connections flowing. Remember you have a ready-made and excited audience awaiting your poems in the mailbox. When you receive cards, do respond to them with cards of your own as well. Move through the list of names at your own pace and keep going until we reach August 2008.

We will keep the list open and add names whenever someone expresses interest, so you will need to add new people occasionally. Please share your experience with this process with friends and invite them to join us for the perennial list. We hope to make the list as long and broad as we possibly can. Then in August, 2008, we'll go back full-throttle into the daily August PostCard Poetry Fest.

Please email Lana lana.ayers at yahoo dot com or Paul splabman at yahoo dot com to sign up for the perennial list. We'd appreciate it if you could reply by 9/22 so we can roll out the new list and get those cards started again. And don't forget to forward this info to all your friends and have them join us too.

Future Experiences

We are planning a weekend of community joining and workshops for September, 2008, on Orcas Island . We hope you can join us and would welcome your effort to help plan/shape the event.

Thanks again for your time, your dedication, your postcard poems that created this instant and vibrant community of words.

All best,
Lana Ayers & Paul Nelson

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