Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fest Over, Who's Posting?

That was the title of a post on the Facebook Postcard Poetry Fest page by one participant. Who's posting? Indeed. The joy of August poetry. If not dominating one's activities during the month-long fest, it at least plays a leading role. This is a role, I have found, that can't possibly survive in a normal month, but August is, in our Northern culture, the last gasp of summer. Never mind there's three more weeks left of actual summer, the season is just playing out the string. And despite a warm Labor Day weekend here in Seattle, it seems like the season has changed. The angles of sun on our p-patch garden are incredibly south of what I have become accustomed to seeing.

From Sharon Ingraham's Blog:
From Sharon Ingraham's Blog:

And while a few more cards trickle in to mailboxes in 31 different states, the District of Columbia, four Canadian provinces and eight other countries, September is here and the fest will not have the same sparkle, the same appeal, the same light. And like the fact that the fest had a record 302 participants, there seems to be a record number of poets posting the cards they wrote on their own blogs. 

Judy Kleinberg is keeping score, and notes Michelle CastleberryDeborah MirandaPaul NelsonLisa Nichols and Martina Robinson among the bloggers. Add also: Kristin Cleage

And Raymond Maxwell:

And (as noted) Deborah Miranda:

And Anita Endrezze, who also CREATES her cards:
and you start to get a sense of the creativity unleashed by the August Poetry Postcard Fest this year. I have not yet written my afterword, but am on that next. First though, HUGE thanks to all the postcarders this year. My own practice was influenced by every card I received in some small way, my own priorities validated, my own life enriched by being a part of this project for the 7th year. Gratitude to Brendan McBreen, for not only keeping the list this year, but also for being one of the most creative participants. Dig this:

So, there is more talk about poetry postcard readings between now and next July 27. CJ Prince is trying to get a POetry POstcard feature going in Bellingham and Brendan McBreen is considering such a feature at the Striped Water Poets gathering in Auburn, WA. I would love to have a poetry postcard fest conference and would welcome your thoughts. For those who took on the fest as it is intended, to help you discover the additional dimensions of spontaneous composition, good for you. Hell, it's only ONE PERSON who's going to get the card, so what do you have to lose?


Kristin said...

Thanks for posting this. One correction, my name is Kristin, two "i"s and no "e".

Ryukan said...

I am so sorry. Fixed now. Thanks for the wonderful card and inspired participation in this year's fest!

Unknown said...

ah thank you. I have made some new acquaintenances and new poems, both welcome to the Ozark ffoothills in the dog days of summer, and have sent mine all out saving two for Canada -- just procured the postage for them saturday. Daniel Smith

S.E.Ingraham said...

Thanks from me also for posting this. Sending and receiving cards to and from so many different places and poets proved to be a real adventure, one I'm already looking forward to for next year. It's a good thing you do here, truly.

Caroline M Davies said...

This sounds a wonderful project. I'm sorry to have discovered it too late for this year but there's always 2014.